What is YAS?
The Young Algaeneers Symposium is made by and for young scientists working in both microalgae and seaweed sectors. During YAS the next generation of Algaeneers networkand interact with key players in the algae industry and academia.
Is YAS for you?
If you're a Master's student, PhD candidate, Post-Doc, or a young professional in algal industries, join us to share and shape the future of the growing algae network!
Considering attending YAS?
- Network with fellow researchers and key players in both academia and the algae industry.
- Discuss your research and career questions in an open forum designed for active researchers like you.
- Get an inside look at local algae companies with an exclusive tour.
- Kick off the event with a social gathering, perfect for making those first connections.
- Have a topic you're passionate about? You can suggest it during registration—this conference is participant-driven.
- Stay informed on current trends and future challenges in algal research.
Wondering where or when is the next YAS?
Come and join us in May in one of Brittany's most beautiful and typical cities: the coastal town of Vannes. Between the historic center, the Castel de l'Hermine, its French garden and the marina, this town holds many different faces. It is located in the Gulf of Morbihan, a paradise for sailing, ocean, nature lovers... as well as algae enthusiasts.
Let's all gather there to discuss the future of algae research and industry!